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Weekday Religion

It may be that this little book will be accepted of the Master and sent by him on a mission of helpfulness to some struggling lives. It is now laid humbly at his feet with this simple hope. Its aim is to help young Christians especially, to take the religion of Christ out of closet and sanctuary and creed—and get it into their daily lives of toil, temptation and care! Perhaps none of us get the best that we might get from our relation to Christ. Perhaps none of us, if any, live as well as we believe. The moralities that we know—we do not follow. The helps that are put into our hands—we do not use when we are climbing the hard, steep paths, or staggering under the burdens of life. The comforts that religion gives—do not comfort us in sorrow.

Many of us think of Christianity as a system of doctrine and worship only—and too little as a life. The aim of this book is to show how doctrine should become life; how promises should be rod and staff in the climber's hand; and how the Sunday-life should pour itself through all the week-days, making every hour bright with the radiance of heaven. It is dedicated to those who sincerely want to follow all the Scriptural precepts; and to realize in their own experience, all the joys, inspirations and comforts of true religion, and to fulfill in this world the meaning of life in all its splendor and possibility.

Year of release
Table of contents


1. What Is Your Life

2. Getting Help from the Bible 

3. Practical Consecration 

4. How to Live a Beautiful Christian Life 

5. The Cure for Care 

6. Glimpses at Life's Windows 

7. The Marriage Altar, and after 

8. Religion in the Home 

9. The Ministry of Sorrow 

10. As unto the Lord 

11. Humility and Responsibility 

12. Not to Be Ministered Unto 

13. Weariness in Well-doing 

14. Wayside Ministries 

15. The Beauty of Quiet Lives 

16. Kindness That Comes Too Late 

17. The Duty of Encouragement 

18. On Loving Others 

19. Thoughtfulness and Tact 

20. Mutual Forbearance 

21. Manly Men 

22. Books and Reading 

23. Personal Beauty 

24. Taking Cheerful Views 

25. Something about Amusements 

26. On the Choice of Friends 

27. The Ethics of Home-decoration 

28. Pictures in the Heart 

29. Losses 

30. The Service of Consecration 

31. Beautiful Old Age 

32. Unconscious Farewells
