How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee?—JER. 4:14.
My aim in our usual discourse is to uncover the inherent wickedness and emptiness of the human heart. I selected this text as my foundation solely for the purpose of uncovering this aspect. It is the main focus of my discussion, a topic that, I admit, encompasses a vast expanse. To meticulously examine the vanities in our thoughts, to traverse the entire creation, and to assess and report on the abundance of vanity present in all creatures—this was the task undertaken by the wisest of men, Solomon. It represented the pinnacle of his studies and efforts. However, the multiplicities of vanity within our thoughts are far greater; this little world contains more variations of vanity than the larger one. Our thoughts have subjected the "creatures to vanity" (Romans 8:20), thus making themselves even more susceptible to vanity. In addressing this, I will demonstrate the following: 1. The meaning of thoughts. 2. The concept of vanity. 3. That our thoughts are indeed vain. 4. The nature of this vanity, both in general terms and specific instances.
I. What Is Meant by Thoughts?
II. What Is Vanity?
III. Thoughts Are Sinful
IV. In What Does This Vanity Consist?
V. Uses: The Good of Knowing the Vanity of Thoughts
VI. Remedies