The Doctrine of Regeneration: The New Birth, The very beginning of a godly life.
Updated to Modern English
"Unless a person is born again, they cannot see the Kingdom of God." -John 3:3.
Have any rulers or Pharisees believed in him? However unlikely it may seem to us, the Spirit of God blows wherever it pleases. Among the many believers, there was Nicodemus, a Pharisee and a ruler of the Jews. He was a Jew, a ruler, and a Pharisee. God is capable of raising children to Abraham even from the stones. Yes, even though they may seem as hard as stones, our Saviour melts the heart of one of them with a miracle and through a new birth, He will make him a true son of Abraham. A miracle brings Nicodemus to Christ, and Christ leads him to a new birth. Nicodemus, in his first confession, says, "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these miracles unless God is with him." Our Saviour responds as if saying, "I am sent from God, and being born again is necessary for you to enter Heaven. Your confession is correct, acknowledging that I am sent from God, but your way of life is wrong because you have not been born again. You come to me with a confession of faith, but there is more to learn, another lesson. Therefore, if you consider me your teacher, you must learn these fundamental principles, these basics, these foundational truths. This text is like the ABC of Christian religion: 'Unless a person is born again, they cannot see the Kingdom of God.'"
To the Honourable Mayor, Aldermen
To his highly esteemed friend, Mr. Isaac Ambrose
The New Birth - John 3:3
A Man
Be Born Again
He cannot See the Kingdom of God
Chapter 1: The occasion and method of this treatise.
Chapter 2: Section 1: The first means to enter into the new birth.
Chapter 3: The second means to get into the new birth.
Chapter 4: The third means to get into the new birth.
Chapter 5: Bible Promises